Stove Cleaning Tips

I'm excited! If all goes well I should be able to get the oven clean and everything tomorrow, you guys! Wishful thinking, I know, but I have a good (and natural!) solution to getting it done right! (my goodness... this shouldn't be that exciting, but my pad is a mess, people!)

Tracie at Cleverly Inspired came up with a great method for oven cleaning that won't choke you out with noxious chemicals.

5 T baking soda
5 drops of Dawn
4 T vinegar
A lemon half
3 more drops of Dawn

Mix the first three ingredients into a paste (she mentions making a double batch if your oven is SUPER dirty). Rub the paste all over the oven with a sponge, close the oven door, let it sit for fifteen minutes and then come back and scrub it down. For the very tough/greasy sections add the last three drops of Dawn to a lemon half and rub the fruit in to those spots.

Credit to:
Now, next will be my stove burners.  I came across a method, which sounds super appealing, called "The No-Scrub Way to Clean Your Stove Burners" on Vivienne's blog, The V Spot. It involves ammonia, which I have never used and know nothing about, but I picked some up and I'm hoping for the best! 

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I have spent countless hours attempting to scrub my burners clean with a Scotch Brite and numerous different cleaning products, but to no avail. I did find a replacement set by accident at Home Depot for approximately $14, which was very exciting, however we are tight on money so my husband vetoed that one. I really hope this works out for me! It sounds promising.

You basically take your offending item, seal it inside a bag with 1/4 cup ammonia, set it outside overnight, and the ammonia fumes break down the mess so you can wipe it clean in the morning.

Genius! Stove preserved!

I hope it works, and I will update you once I have tried this, and I hope you do the same for me!

Quick Links:
Tracie at Cleverly Inspired, oven cleaning
Vivienne at The V Spot, no-scrub stove burner cleaning

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